
Please note that the car boot operator accepts no responsibility for any accidents/incidents/loss/damage or injury to any person/persons or vehicle incurred whilst attending or visiting the car boot whatsoever. You use the car boot and site facilities including surrounding buildings at your own risk.


Terms and conditions

  1. Strictly no food and drink, livestock, counterfeit goods or weapons to be sold at any time.
  2. All unsold goods and rubbish must be taken home; we do not have the facilities to cope with anything apart from site litter. Anyone seen to be abusing this condition will be banned from the site.
  3. The organisers have the right to determine whether an item is suitable for sale. Their decision is final.
  4. It is the stall holder’s responsibility to ensure the soundness and correct erection of any stalls used including gazebos awnings etc. The organiser accepts no responsibility whatsoever.
  5. Any transactions are purely between the stall holder and purchaser and the organiser will not be liable for any altercations.
  6. Verbal and physical abuse towards the stewards will not be tolerated, any violation of this will result in the person/persons being permanently banned from the site.
  7. Please note that the ground is uneven and bumpy in places. Please wear suitable footwear.
  8. No dogs are allowed at the car boot.

There will be no exceptions to these rules!

Helpful hint and tips

  1. Place table in car last so is the first item out.
  2. Bring plenty of change for float.
  3. Bring plastic bags to put items in